The Bookweaver

Print Resources

Print Resources
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Book Lists

Below is a list of print teaching resources for help in combining multiple texts in literature instruction.

Clicking on the titles below will take you to a description of the book and, where applicable, the specific texts the book addresses.

Donelson, K. & Nilsen, A. Literature for Today's Young Adults(7th ed.).

Herz, S. & Gallo, D. From Hinton to Hamlet: Building Bridges between Young Adult Literature and the Classics , 2nd edition

Kaywell, J. (Ed.). Adolescent Literature as a Complement to the Classics (4 volumes).

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Literature for Today's Young Adults

by Kenneth Donelson and Alleen Nilsen

This book is a classic text for adolescent literature that is updated regularly.  I try to check this book out of the library every time it goes into a new edition to review the numerous suggestions.  This book also explains every aspect of adolescent literature you can imagine.

From Hinton to Hamlet: Building Bridges between Young Adult Literature and the Classics, 2nd edition

by Sarah K. Herz and Donald R. Gallo

This book provides a rationale for using young adult literature in the classroom, and a lot of suggestions for books, chiefly arranged around these themes:
a) suggestions for young adult literature that bridges a list of books commonly used in English classes
b) young adult literature that illustrates literary archetypes
c) young adult literature across the disciplines and contemporary issues
d) some themes (chiefly War and the Great Depression)
The book's thesis is that part of a teacher's job is to help students like to read, and the students will like to read if they are given books with which they can engage.  If students like to read and see it as a meaningful activity, they will be more open to the classics.  This book is a little pricey, probably because it is new.  If you spot a really good deal, make sure that it is not the first edition of this book, which was published in 1996; lots of newer books will be missing from the first edition, and the newer edition is also expanded.  Because of the book's extensive bibliographies and their direct relevence to the English curriculum, I would request that shelf copies of this book be purchased by the English department for the faculty's use.  It can also be used to include reading across the curriculum as the book offers extensive suggestions for every conceivable school subject.

Classics included:

More extensive treatement:
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Grapes of Wrath
Great Expectaations
The Great Gatsby
Julius Ceasar
Lord of the Flies
The Odyssey
Of Mice and Men
Romeo and Juliet
The Scarlet Letter
To Kill a Mockingbird

More briefly:
Anne Frank
Fahrenheit 451
The Call of the Wild
The Old Man and the Sea
Spoon River Anthology
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
Treasure Island
A Raisin in the Sun
The Merchant of Venice
Brave New World

Adolescent Literature as a Complement to the Classics (4 volumes)
Joan F. Kaywell, Editor

This series of books is a collection of unit plans built around at least one "classic" longer work that is often used in English classes and usually several young-adult novels that connect with the classic in some way.  The unit plans are well designed, and since a variety of authors contribute to the books, there is a wealth of ideas.  I recommnend reading the suggested young adult books; however, because I see books listed in the that I have read and don't think are the best.  Since the Table of Contents is not posted on Amazon, below is a list of the classic works discussed in each volume:

Volume 1
To Kill a Mockingbird
Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Catcher in the Rye
Death of a Salesman
Romeo and Juliet
Great Expectations

A Doll House
The Great Gatsby
Their Eyes Were Watching God
The Scarlett Letter
Poetry of John Keats

Volume 2
The Odyssey
The Red Badge of Courage
Narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglas
The Awakening
Things Fall Apart
World Literature
Julius Ceasar
A Separate Peace
The Miracle Worker
Brave New World

"The Lady of Shalott"

Volume 3

Fahrenheit 451
The Grapes of Wrath
Of Mice and Men
Poetry generally found in literature texts
The Tempest
A Raisin in the Sun
Jane Eyre
Don Quixote
A Tale of Two Cities
A Farewell to Arms
The Call of the Wild
"I Have a Dream"
James Thurber

Volume 4

Our Town
Oliver Twist
The Crucible
Adolescent Novels about Dogs
My Antonia
Native Son
A Lesson Before Dying
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1 Henry IV
Pride & Prejudice
I Heard the Owl Call My Name
The Once and Future King
Cyrano de Bererac
The Tragedy of Dr. Faustus
Biographies in the Classroom

Email me with your comments, suggestions, and experiences.
At this time, I am not posting any materials that I have not personally reviewed, but I can always use more ideas for my notebook.