Topic: Resources
Does anyone still keep those grammar boards? I used to work with a teacher who kept a camera in her car to take pictures of ungrammatical signs she saw...and this was before digital cameras. They made great bulletin boards. Anyway, I just finished reading a book in which the narrator (and it was a nonfiction book!) "literally skipped across the world." Ugh. So I particularly enjoyed this from Althouse:
I normally resist the routine pedantry of pointing out the misusage of the word "literally." But this one's a lulu:
Anyone who had been diligently paying down a mortgage and others who had just sat back and watched their home appreciate in value were able to refinance and take out the difference between the value of the home and what was still owed, known as equity. Not only did they remove the increased equity in the home as cash, most people were paying lower monthly payments.
“People have literally picked up their house at the foundations and shook it upside down like a piggy bank,” said Ed Smith, chief executive of the Plaza Financial Group, a mortgage brokerage firm in La Mesa, Calif., near San Diego.
Posted by bookweaver
at 9:54 PM EST